Our Vets, Techs & Their Pets:
Lex - My Death Row Survivor
By Emily, CUVS Veterinary Technician Assistant (Surgery)
This is Lex, my death row dog survivor. About a month after losing my beloved Pitbull before him, I was scrolling through Facebook and, through Urgent Death Row Dogs of the ACC Shelters in NYC, I found him.
Lex caught my eye because he looked like a mix of the last 2 Pitbulls I had, and he had the greatest write-up online! He was found as a stray by the NYPD, came down with kennel cough (a completely treatable illness with antibiotics) in the shelter, and was slated to be euthanized due to lack of space. He was on "the list" to be euthanized one night. Luckily, though, a member of the public reserved him to be adopted. But then no one showed up to get him! He was given another night’s reprieve, put on the list once more, and, again, no one showed up to save him. That was supposedly his last chance. I quickly got in contact with a volunteer there to help me save him. The very next day, that volunteer held him out of his cage until I could get there so they wouldn't euthanize him - and the rest, as they say, is history.
Lex is a beauty. He is always carrying a ball around in his mouth, is obsessed with water and swimming (even though he's not very good at it!) and loves to snuggle. He is my spoiled, handsome pittie and he is proof that rescued dogs are the best dogs!
So glad you found the best home! Love you Lex❤
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