Join the Million Heart Challenge to support heart disease research
Would you like to help support research for dogs with heart disease? The American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM) helps support ongoing research for congenital and acquired heart disease throughout the United States and Canada. Click this link to see how you can support ACVIM's mission of enhancing animal and human health by advancing veterinary internal medicine.
Q & A: Canine Influenza Virus
What is Canine Influenza?
A Better Lyme Disease Test Developed at Cornell University
Researchers at the Animal Health Diagnostic Center of Cornell University have developed a new test to better diagnose Lyme Disease in dogs.
CUVS Drs. Forman and Kramer Interviewed on Pet Talk TV Show
CUVS internist Dr. Marnin Forman and surgeon Dr. Alon Kramer, with host Lauren Collier, discuss the benefits of minimally invasive procedures on a recent episode of "Pet Talk."
Lucky's Heartworm Removal and Orthopedic Surgeries
Lucky is a young male mixed-breed dog who was rescued in Los Angeles. The aptly named Lucky found his way into the capable and loving care of Eric Bellows, formerly of Rescue Ink. His most pressing issues at that time were gunshot wounds to his legs. These wounds required multiple treatments, but Lucky persevered bravely through his procedures and was fostered by Eric, whose current rescue organization is called Pack Ethic. However, Lucky's health issues were not yet behind him. In February, Lucky tested positive for heartworm.
May 21: FETCH Scavenger Hunt and Family Picnic at Stamford Harbor Park
A Dog-Centered Scavenger Hunt and Free Family Picnic to Benefit the Riedel and Cody Fund.
333 Ludlow Street- Stamford Harbor Park- (right behind the Cornell University Veterinary Specialists hospital)
FETCH stands for Funding Education and Treatment of Cancer Hounds, an event organized to benefit the Reidel & Cody Fund.
Little Dogs with Big Hearts: A Free Lecture at CUVS on May 15, 2-3:30 PM
Little Dogs with Big Hearts: What Does this Mean for My Pet?
On Sunday, May 15, at 2-3:30 PM, Dr. Mandi Kleman, DVM, DACVIM, will lead a free lecture in the auditorium at Cornell University Veterinary Specialists animal hospital at 880 Canal Street in Stamford, CT.
Rookie's Foreign Body

April 10th Pet Health Education Sessions: CPCR and First Aid for Your Pet
Cornell University Veterinary Specialists is proud to provide pet health educational sessions for owners, starting with our first session:
Sunday, April 10, 2-3:30 PM
CPCR and First Aid for Your Pet, led by Debbie Glynn, BS, LVT
Latest Comments
I am honored to know Laura for many years and so proud of who she is and what she has become!!
So glad you found the best home! Love you Lex❤
I never knew the whole story of Mica! When her stomach twisted right before Christmas, I am so glad that we all were able to help her and get her well again to continue your adventures together, with your CUVS family by your side now of course!
Dr Hackner's cat
What a wonderful story and exactly what I would expect Dr Hackner to do. I will never forget the care Dr Hackner's gave to my beloved Turpsy over a very long, awful weekend.